Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Brothers and Sisters at Arms: Please Use Correct Terminology and Stop Giving the Enemy Ammunition

We are constantly fighting a battle with anti-gun groups and I think we need to look at ourselves and clean up our act if we're going to win this battle. Particularly I think we should stop terming semi-auto weapons that "look like" assault rifles as assault rifles. They are not. You and I know this. But everywhere I see them advertised by firearms dealers as "assault rifles" probably to get attention and create more sales. Let me be very clear about this definition. They are not assault rifles and should not be called such. The anti-gun establishment latches onto that and creates an atmosphere of fear surrounding these firearms. It is not in our interest at all to term these semi-auto rifles as "assault rifles". I would like to make everyone aware of the uses of different firearms and their application as defined by the Second Amendment.

First, handguns and semi-auto rifles are defensive weapons used by people for protection and holding ground like your own home. This would include these wrongly termed "assault rifles" that are for sale to the U.S. public. Second, shotguns and bolt action rifles are used for sporting purposes and as such they are sporting arms, not assault weapons.These could also be used for defensive purposes and holding ground like handguns and semi-auto rifles. Third, the real assault rifles with a selector switch for safe, fire and auto. That's what an assault rifle is. It is designed for taking ground. Very hard to get without the proper paperwork. There are some weapons that cross-over between sporting and defensive uses, i.e. shotguns and high capacity handguns. There is nothing wrong with this and may help people to buy one gun to use for more than one purpose.

Considering the above definitions I'd like to propose that we call these semi-auto rifles and handguns Second Amendment Guns. That's right. Second Amendment Guns. They fit the framework of what the Founding Fathers were talking about in the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Arms to defend ourselves and our country from enemies both foreign and domestic. I'd like to see the anti-gunners draft a law to eliminate Second Amendment Guns. Then they'd have to do the explaining not us. And the terminology would get the public's attention and get them to thinking about the uses for different guns which is important. Knowing and using the proper firearm is very important if you want it for any of the above purposes.

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