Friday, July 13, 2012

Scouting Deer During Winter Seasons

If you are a deer hunter, then winter is probably a never ending season of waiting. Since the fall hunting season is over there is not very much action related to deer hunting. In some places the winters are so rough that it can be difficult to even get outside to practice shooting your bow or rifle.

However, winter is still great in one way that you can stay connected to your hobby. Winter is really a great time to go and scout what the deer are doing around your favorite hunting spots. Scouting in the winter is not nearly as disturbing to the deer than scouting right before the hunting season begins. If the winter is so horrible that the deer are all gathered up in survival mode, then you they should be left alone.

If your idea of scouting is to go check things out right before the season is starting, then you are not helping the situation. Stomping all over the wilderness, while spreading your smell is not good for hunting. However, scoping out things during winter when the season has just ending does not disturb things very much.

This is also the case when you are trying to figure out the movements of a big buck. If you are going to follow them into their bedding area and bother them during the season then there are less chances of seeing one from the stand diminish. They are very sensitive to the presence of humans and they will certainly go hide out somewhere else.

However, if you are scouting when there is snow on the ground, you will not run into these issues. Even if you happen to scare a buck out of his secure area, then it still will not bother him by the time the next hunting season starts. Winter is the best time to learn about the patterns of behavior of the buck. This is also good time to scout out areas that are good for your hunting stands.

Winter makes it simple for hunters to find the routes deer are going through and bedding spots. Snow on the grounds also makes it a lot clearer where these routes are. Yes, the routes will change somewhat when the deer hunting season begins. Although the basic trails they are using as they leave bedding cover does not change.

There are plenty of clues to seek out during the winter, but the most obvious is a buck rub. Bucks make tons of rubs as they polish their antlers and practice sparring for the breeding season. The amount and quality of these rubs can give you a lot of information. Further, the big rub indicates that there is a good buck in the area. The rub line also gives you good information. A good rub line is a great place to have a shooting stand ready for the season.

It is also a good idea to go in early to cut shooting lanes. Sometimes the hunting area you choose can become very thick and it can make things more difficult. Finding a way to get out into the woods and staying connected with hunting can make your winter more bearable.

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