Thursday, May 31, 2012

Let's Talk About Hunting Dogs

There are many different opinions of which breed makes the best for grouse or partridge hunting. There are magnificent pointers, setters and Brittany spaniels that are of such exceptional intelligence and ability that an ordinary man can hope for no more than one in a lifetime. Dogs exhibiting such astonishing intelligence are rare. The average individual of any pointing breed, exposed to pheasants and grouse alike, will soon find it necessary to crown a pheasant and to cover a great deal of ground in a short time. He tries similar tactics on grouse, and this proves disastrous, so you get a good performer on pheasants and woodcock and a mediocre stalker of pats.

Having investigated bloodlines and the local reputation of male and female, you should buy the dog you fancy the most, nurture him/her and pray that it will inherit the deep, intelligent eye, the unerring nose and genius of it's forebears. Natural selection is an onward and upward thing. If you are lucky you may have the makings of a champion, a gun dog that will make all previous performers look like fumblers. We all feel that way when a new puppy comes home, and one in a blue moon it comes true.

One of the best ways to train your new dog for hunting is with an electronic collar and using electronic stimulation and conditioning. Collar conditioning is basically a process of introducing and accustoming your hunting dog to e-collar corrections. It's done by using electrical enforcement with known obedience commands. You do not teach obedience with the e-collar. A dog that is not properly introduced to the e-collar may think that the electricity is coming from the environment or the spot they were standing. During collar conditioning the dog will learn that the correction is connected to the handler just as it knows that the leash and healing stick are connected to the handler. The dog should learn to avoid the pressure by swiftly performing the command by the trainer. The collar will be effective only when it is part of an overall program that emphasizes teaching in a positive environment.

The latest technology available in hunting dog e-collars would the Hawx Dog & Gun products. Whether you are a pointer trainer or a Labrador trainer, everybody realized that it wasn't practical to have your shot gun in hand, be paying attention to shooting grouse or partridge and trying to fumble for your e-collar transmitter to control your dog. With the Hawx Bluetooth technology you can mount a push button on your rifle, produce stimulation to control your dog and enjoy a successful hunt.

This article is brought to you by MATCH.

Reasons to Carry a Utility Knife in the Wild

Most hunters, joggers, fisherman, mountain climbers, think of the basic reasons for having a utility knife in the wild. When it comes to thinking about needing a utility knife for safety, survival and emergencies, they sort of go into a state of denial. "That will never happen to me", "that does not happen in this day and age," or "that only happens in the movies and on television." The fact is, every year we hear about some hunter, jogger, or mountain climber on the news who gets into a situation where their outdoor activity puts them into a situation of survival. Their utility knife becomes a tool to make repairs to their gear or as a means of defense.

Remember the climber out west a couple of years ago who got his arm wedged between some rocks and eventually had to amputate his own arm to free himself. One can only wonder what went through his mind when he realized that he was not going to be able to free himself from the rocks and that he would have to cut off his own arm in order to survive. "I can't believe this," and "how could this happen to me?"

I wonder how many people have died because they found themselves in a state of denial or because they have become complacent. To illustrate how quickly a person can get themselves into a situation of survival, I will give you a couple examples that have happened to me. The most important one happened to me in my own home while watching the nightly news. My left arm started to ache and my left hand began to feel like a pin cushion. My jaw started to hurt like someone hit me, and then my face began to feel kind of flushed. I started to recognize the symptoms as a heart attack. I started to think: "No, this isn't happening to me." Then I remembered that denial is one of the symptoms of a heart attack. I took some aspirin tablets and told my wife that I thought I might be having a heart attack. We dropped everything and headed for the emergency room. I was 95% blocked down the middle artery to my heart, and needed to have several stints put in. The cardiologist told me that I probably would not have survived if I had ignored the symptoms. The cardiologist went on to tell me that I stopped a heart attack from happening and that I had no heart damage. I realized that denial was not the right way to handle the situation.

In another situation, a friend and I were in Montana hunting and we hired a young man as a guide. He insisted on driving his vehicle. We got out into Custer National Forest, about a mile off the main trail, which was nothing more than a trail, and the young man's truck would not start. I used my utility knife to clean the battery posts and there was just enough spark to start the truck. In this situation, without that utility knife, we would have been stranded in the forest and would have had to walk back to the main road, about 20 miles, or spend the night in the forest.

I remember one of the Boy Scout Mottoes: "Be prepared." When I go into the wild, I usually carry a small pocket knife and I carry another larger folding knife in a pocket. I carry a hunting knife in a sheath on my belt or in my back pack. I always carry a high quality, high carbon steel blade knife on my person, because emergencies can happen to anyone at anytime.

This news article is brought to you by SPECIAL-EDUCATION - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Deer Antler Gifts

Deer antler gifts are perfect to give to anyone who's a hunter or someone who appreciates wildlife. They're beautiful to look at, go with just about any type of decor, and are extremely versatile. If you're interested in purchasing or making a deer antler gift, keep reading to learn more.

The great thing about making gifts from antlers is that there's no limit to what you can make; the only thing holding you back is your imagination. Deer antlers are extremely durable and waterproof, making them the perfect material to use for crafting items. Need some ideas on what types of gifts to craft? One of the easiest, yet beautiful, is a picture frame made using antlers. You can find these sold at many online shops and stores, or you can make your own. To create your own, take an old picture frame you have and superglue antlers to the sides of it. If the antlers don't fit, you'll have to either cut them down or find some smaller ones.

A slightly more difficult antler gift to make is a pen or knife. There are a few different ways to craft these, but most involve drilling out the center of it to a certain size. However, it's important not to drill too much, as your pen or knife wont properly fit. These are great gifts that will probably get more use than most other gifts. If you're having trouble making your own, you can find them for sale at a number of online shops for as low as $10 bucks.

If you only have some pieces of an antler to work with, try making key chains out of them. Take a piece and drill a small hole directly through the center. Run a small wire and attach the key chain base to it. While a key chain isn't a large gift, it's something they will always use and have on them.

Yet another easy DIY gift is an antler letter opener. To make one of these, just cut off the last 6 inches of an antler and sand it down so it looks like a letter opener. Be sure you sand down the tip, as leaving it sharp is dangerous.

If you the person you're giving the gift to is a hunter, you could make them a deer caller with the antlers. Take two antlers, cut the tips off for safety, drill a hole around the base of each antler and connect them with a shoestring. When they're out hunting, they can rattle them together.

These are just a few of the amazing antler gifts you can give someone!

This news article is brought to you by EVERYTHING ABOUT COFFEE - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Deer Antlers For Dogs

Have you heard of deer antlers for dogs before? Some owners might brush off the thought of giving their dogs antlers in fear that it could potentially harm them. However, they are actually one of the safest and most beneficial types of treats to give your canine friend. If you want to know more about these all-natural treats, keep reading and I'll tell you why they're ideal for dogs to chew on.

If you're a deer a hunter, then you probably know that many animals seek out shed antlers. Squirrels, foxes, coyotes, wolves and rodents oftentimes scour the landscape in search of antlers. While we don't know, it's believed they eat them for the beneficial nutrients and minerals they contain, such as calcium and an array of vitamins. This powerhouse of nutrition helps the animals grow, develop, and stay healthy overall.

Dogs can benefit from ingesting these nutrients in the same way other wild animals can. In fact, most veterinarians recommend owners give their dogs extra calcium in their diet, as it strengthens their bones and teeth.

Not only are antlers nutritious for dogs, they are also long-lasting. Some dog treats such as raw hides or milk bones will only last a day or so in the jowls of a large breed dog. Antlers, on the hand, are one of the strongest formations found in nature, allowing your dog to have many hours of enjoyment from them.

Because antlers are strong and durable, they also work to clean your dogs teeth as they chew on them. Many dog breeds are prone to developing dental problems that include crowding of teeth, tooth decay and tooth loss. If you allow your dog to chew on antlers, it will help remove plaque and food that's stuck on their teeth.

Many owners refrain from giving their dogs treats because of the smell they emit. Large raw hides typically don't smell at first, but after a dog chews on them for a while, they release a pungent smell. Deer antlers, though, never smell, no matter how long a dog has chewed on them.

If you have some antlers you want to give your dog, it's recommended that you cut them up into smaller pieces first. Take a hacksaw or any other type of cutting instrument you have, and cut the antlers up into 6 inch sized pieces.

Even though antlers are strong and safe for dogs to eat, you should still supervise them when they are enjoying their treat. Dogs can choke on anything, even antlers, which is why it's important to watch over them. When the antler treat is too small for your dog to safely consume, take it from them and throw it away. Antlers are cheap and you can easily make more of these treats for your dog.

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Winchester Gun Safe: Ultimate Gun Protection

People with guns need safes that can secure and protect their firearms. There are a variety of gun safes available in the market and each gun safe caters to a specific need, and what works for one gun owner may not work for the other.

Winchester is a reputed company that has carved a niche in the market by manufacturing guns and gun safes. As the company manufactures guns, it knows what exactly is required to protect them, and therefore can make truly optimized and secure gun safes. Winchester gun safes are therefore engineered to store a variety of guns in an organized and efficient manner. These safes are also built to exacting safety and security standards.

Most people with guns opt for Winchester safes because they trust the brand. Many people swear by the Winchester safes and their testimonials speak very highly of the safes' protection-ability, utility value and easy accessibility.

As a gun owner, you want your guns to be protected from children and you want them to be easily accessible in case you are hit by a burglary. Winchester gun safes promise all this and more. In fact, Winchester has upgraded the UL burglary ratings on all its models, which has built-in more protection. All Winchester safes feature a classic, "western" design and look very elegant in homes.

Guns in homes face three different types of threats - fire, burglars and kids. Winchester safes feature a drill-resistant exterior and have special features that protect the interior, and therefore you can be rest assured that no burglar is ever going to get his hands on your guns. They are fire-proof and have automatic re-locking capabilities that turn on when someone tries to break the safe's lock.

Winchester gun safes are equipped with a UL-listed electronic keyboard that can be used set any combination. You can choose your combination and keep changing it whenever. The safes locking bolts are really thick and solid - the Supreme range of safes has 2" thick bolts while the Silverado series has 1.5" thick bolts.

These safes are heavy and cannot be moved around by thieves. Each of them weighs between 500 and 1,000 pounds and it is impossible to lift or fool around with the safe without raising a racket. These safes also come equipped with bolt holes, which allow you to securely fasten the safe on the floor and make it 100% immovable.

The adjusting shelves in these safes can be organized in any way. This allows you to change the layout of the safe and tailor it per your needs. The interior door storage system makes for additional storage and each safe features very elegant beveled edges.

Full-sized Winchester gun safes are equipped with a lifetime warranty, which is limited, and which begins on the day of your purchase. This warranty protects you against manufacturing defects, workmanship deficiencies, and damage from fire or burglar attacks.

There are 4 different models around at the present - these are the Legacy, Silverado, Ranger and the Deputy series of safes. These models fulfill the needs of every type of gun owner.

These are the reasons why it makes complete sense to buy Winchester gun safes. The safes are reliable, secure, robust, easy-to-use and are manufactured by a reputed and trusted brand, which has become the pride of America. You just cannot go wrong with it.

This news article is brought to you by WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SALADS - where latest news are our top priority.

Hunting Russia For Kamchatka Brown Bear

To say the least a hunting trip to the Kamchatka Peninsula in search of brown bear was an experience of a lifetime. I have taken Alaskan Brown Bear as well as Grizzlies and Black Bear with none of them approaching the suspense and thrill of harvesting a brown bear in Russia.

For a long time I had been dreaming about and planning this trip to Russia and when the time came to leave the Phoenix airport I was still in a shock. From Phoenix we flew to Atlanta then to Moscow. From Moscow we flew to Petropavlovsk (Petro) on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. After our plane trip to Petro we drove approximately 200 miles to where we met my guide. We concluded the trip arrival by going 50 miles up the Danilina river to our permanent camp. All toll, about 48 hours from home to camp. I was beat!

When we arrived at camp it was very rustic and old, but it did serve the purpose. I shared a cabin with a hunter from Chicago who was also there for brown bear. There was an eating tent, outdoor shower, outhouse and a sauna. There also were separate cabins for the cook and interpreter and another for the two guides and the two camp hands.

As in any hunting expedition there is a lot of planning. I wanted to make sure that I had the right equipment and accessories to make for a safe and successful hunt in this desolate country. I chose a 375 H&H Magnum, shooting 300 Grain Nosler Partition Bullets, Zeiss 3x9 scope and Swarovski EL 10x32 binoculars. This combination proved to work perfect for this hunt. I also chose high quality clothing, boots and gloves that were all 100% waterproof.

We hunted with snowmobiles pulling me behind on a sled. Talk about different transportation! It was early spring with lots of snow, rain, and sleet. I had to be properly dressed for the conditions or it would have been unbearable. We saw lots of bears from day one with the guide trying to get me to shoot a smaller bear then I wanted. In fact they got a little upset with me as they wanted to end the hunt and get back to their homes. On the sixth day we located a beautiful bear that we judged to be in excess of 10 feet square and decided he was the one. The bear had gone into a large stand of alders. I went to the opposite side and the guide went in to force the bear out to where I was located. As I got into position to shoot I stepped in some soft snow and fell up to my waist and couldn't move when the bear made his charge. I shot and dropped him with one shot at less than 15 yards. I was very calm while all this was happening, but when it was over I couldn't stop shaking. Talk about an adrenaline rush!

Despite all the problems with language barriers, travel inconveniences, weather and the fact that I got a detached retina in my left eye, it was a great hunt. I had just harvested a beautiful black-coated Kamchatka Brown Bear that squared 10'3". On the way back I had a layover in Moscow and was able to see the Kremlin, Red Square and sleep in a comfortable bed for the first time in 14 days. Also this allowed for some quiet time to reflect on what a great experience that I had just completed.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Friday, May 25, 2012

How To Score Deer Antlers

Want to know how to score your deer antlers? Unfortunately, it's a little bit more difficult than simply counting the points and adding up the total. If you want to officially score your antlers, you have to follow the rules set forth by one of the accepted methods for scoring antlers.

Scoring your deer antlers allows you to see how your trophy buck compares to others. If you think you have a record-setting antler rack, you must have it officially scored to be crowned the biggest set of antlers in its respective category. If you don't, then lower-scoring antlers can steal the title away from yours.

One of the oldest and most common methods for scoring deer antlers is the Boone and Crocket or "B&C". Compared to other methods, the B&C is probably the most exact method for scoring your antlers, as they focus on the number of tines, length of the beams, circumference, and length. However, these are just a few of the factors that go into officially scoring your antlers using the B&C method.

The reason the B&C method is so popular and widespread is because the scoring is not only based on how many tines a rack has. Instead, the focus is on the overall weight and mass of the antlers. If you're a seasoned hunter, then you probably know that heavier antlers come from the larger bucks. Although, this doesn't mean the antlers will have a many tines just because they're heavy. B&C takes this into consideration by generously scoring heavy antlers.

It's important to note that the B&C method will deduct points from a rack for abnormalities. If the antlers you're scoring are unsymmetrical, points are deducted as well. This puts an emphasis on straight, more aesthetically pleasing antlers.

Many scoring methods, B&C included, separate antlers into two categories - typical and non-typical. As you may expect, typical antlers are ones that look normal with equal tines on each side. On the other hand, non-typical antlers are ones that have abnormalities, such as 5 tines on one side and 7 on the other. Non-typical antlers can also have unusual growths of tines protruding from other tines.

Founded in 1961, the Pope & Young (P&Y) is another popular method used for scoring deer antlers. Although not used as often as B&C, the P&Y method is still the second most used method for scoring antlers.

No matter which method you wish to use for scoring your antlers, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the rules and goals. Both the B&C and P&Y maintain website which have this information freely listed for personal use.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

PSE Crossbow - Models

Choosing a crossbow is like choosing any piece of your hunting equipment, it should be a detailed and time consuming process. A quality crossbow like you will find in the PSE Crossbow range will be a great place to start and like any equipment you are placing so much trust in should always be the best you can afford and more importantly the right gear for the task you have in mind.

There are many PSE crossbow models so it will pay to find somewhere you can handle and preferable shoot any crossbow that seems to be what you have in mind. By handling and shooting different bows you will give yourself the best chance of selecting the model that suits you best.

What to consider:

When choosing your new crossbow you should have a good idea of the purpose you will be using the bow for. You will then be able to match up the different features of each bow to your intended use. Things like velocity, poundage, ease of cocking, draw length, weight of the bow and draw weight should all be factors in your decision.

Also important will be your own physical abilities, if you buy a bow you cannot cock or that is too heavy for you to shoot, well then you are likely only to have an unproductive and unhappy season

Another very important part of buying a bow comes down to the brand of the bow. Choosing a bow from a reputable, preferably American Company like PSE or Horton that carries a warranty and has excellent service and support associated with their name will always be a wise choice.

To give you an idea of the variety of choice you have here are some of the PSE crossbow models available:


On top of this you then have to consider sights, bolts, carrying cases, cocking ropes and the list goes on.

So you can see that selecting your new crossbow is going to be a time consuming process, one tip I have, is to go online and research the various models before buying. Not only will this give you access to other peoples feedback on different models but you may just find yourself an online bargain in the process.

I have found crossbows such as the Copperhead for $50 or more off so it will pay for you to spend some time looking at various PSE crossbow reviews before buying.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Year's Resolutions for Elk Hunters: Getting In Shape for An Elk Hunt

To hunt elk in Colorado's high country, you don't have to be a world-class athlete. But you do have to set fitness goals for yourself that are both challenging and attainable.

For many hunters who come to the Rockies in pursuit of elk, it may be one of the most physically demanding hunts they ever take on. Elk live in steep, rugged places and the better shape a hunter is in, the better their chances are of being successful. Besides the success factor, being in good physical condition will certainly make your hunt more enjoyable.

When it comes to conditioning, it's important to make a plan for yourself that's attainable. While being a marathon runner or Iron-Man triathlete would be ideal, for many people, that's simply not realistic. Start where you are. We would suggest consulting with a trainer at a local gym to help you get started. Make a workout plan that fits your ability level. If you can't keep up with it, the plan will have no chance of working.

With that said, it is extremely important to challenge yourself. Tailor a workout routine to your abilities, but continually push yourself to get better. We've seen many hunters miss opportunities over the years because of poor physical conditioning. They simply couldn't get to where they needed to be in order to get a shot. If you're making the time and financial investment to hunt elk in Colorado, it is certainly worth it to be in shape when you get here.

We strongly recommend a workout routine with a mix of cardio and strength training. In our experience, strength training is the most critical piece. While cardio is great preparation for the altitude, even the best runners will wear down after a few days of hunting if their legs aren't strong. When planning your workout routine, make sure you adequately focus on things like squats, leg presses and lunges. Get your legs in shape!

In your cardio workouts, interval training is the best way to prepare for an elk hunt. Interval training features short periods of very high intensity, followed by periods of low intensity. This closely simulates common elk hunting situations - making fast climbs in steep terrain to get into position, and then settling quickly for a shot.

Make a commitment now to begin a challenging and realistic workout routine. You can do it, and when you're sucking for air and feeling the burn in your legs while trying to get within range of a bull elk, you will be glad you did!

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

The Elk That Got Away

Early one fall my hunting partner and I did some scouting in the area in Colorado where we were planning to hunt in the next big game hunting season. We found a big herd of elk across a big wet meadow. There had to be at least 200 full size elk. We got excited about the possibilities for success for the hunting season.

We set up our tents and settled in for the evening with a nice hot meal. Ray, my hunting partner, and I talked and planned for a couple hours before we bedded down for the night. Planning is one of the essentials of a successful hunt.

In the morning, we woke up at dawn and scouted another area and saw more elk. We looked at each other and said that this is the place where we are going to get our tags filled.

Ray drew a bull elk tag and I drew a cow elk tag when the state wildlife office distributed the hunting tags. We also had mule deer tags issued to us. When we got the tags in June, we got together and finalized our planning.

Ray and I are retired Air Force officers and have access to the shooting range at a nearby Army post. The rifles always get sighted in before the season starts. Ray and I have 30.06 rifles; mine is bolt action and Ray's is a semi-auto. It didn't take long to get our rifles sighted in for 100 yards. One more item on the checklist checked off.

The time came to load up the trucks and head to the mountains. The air was cold and when we got to the mountains and it was starting to snow. We setup our camp and got ready for the next morning to head out and then we had some food and then hit the sacks.

The opening morning was finally here. We got up early got dressed and gathered our equipment and opened the door of the tent and noticed that it must have snowed all night. The snow was about eight inches deep and a few drifts that were at least two feet. The clouds already cleared and the air was a little warmer so we set out to the scouted areas where we saw the first herd of elk. The sun was just coming up over the ridge. It was a beautiful morning and we were excited about what we anticipated to be a great successful hunt.

It was now about 10:00 and we did not even see a single animal where there had been a herd of over 200 elk. This was such a disappointing morning that we didn't see a single elk or deer. This was such a promising location and we thought for sure we would fill our tags before noon.

While walking through the woods that afternoon, I ran upon a huge white snow shoe rabbit. That thing had to be at least two feet tall. Too bad I didn't have a small game license; we would not have gone back to the camp empty handed and would have had fresh meat for our evening meal.

Well, the rest of the trip was just as unsuccessful so we packed up and headed for home empty handed for this hunting season. Better luck next year.

This article is brought to you by DATING SERVICE.

Tips for Buying Guns for Sale Online

If you want to buy a gun, a good place to find them a bit cheaper than usual, especially second hand, would be the internet. Specifically if you are looking for a gun to use in hunting, you'll be able to find what you are looking, and get it quickly (within a week or two) by purchasing online.

There are some things you should know about finding guns for sale online though, and that will be covered below. The more you know about it, going into your first purchase, the easier the purchase will be.

Tips for Buying Guns for Sale Online

When you find a gun you are interested in. You should try to get answers to the following questions, this will help you make sure you are getting a legitimate weapon and not buying someone's trash.

  • What is the gun's history? You want to make sure it isn't stolen, it hasn't been rebuilt, etc.
  • How many owners have their been? The more owners there have been, the less sure you can be about the history.
  • Why is the owner selling it? Make sure it doesn't have to do with something being wrong with the gun.
  • What kind of custom work has been done to it? A lot of times custom work suggests they want a higher price, but unless you were going to have this done, you won't want to cover that cost.
  • Are there any problems with misfiring or similar issues? Again, you just want to make sure there is nothing wrong with the gun that will cause problems once you own it.
  • Is there a scope included with the purchase? If so, you can expect to pay about half the retail value for the scope, included in the gun price.

Where to Buy Guns Online

Once you've checked into your local guns laws, there are a lot of places to look for guns to buy online. Start by looking at the following types of websites:

  • Forums
  • Classifieds
  • Auctions
  • Stores (though usually at retail price)

Picking up at an FFL

Now that you've decided on a gun, where will you pick it up? If it is a local person, you can meet them and exchange it that way, you won't have to worry about getting an FFL to receive the gun, however if they are too far away, you will need to choose an FFL.

If you will use an FFL, you should contact them to see what their process is, and to notify them of your intent to use them as a pick up location. You can also expect to pay a nominal fee for having them handle the shipment for you.

Once you've made your first purchase of a gun online, further sales will be routine, you can expect them to go smoothly and look forward to picking up your new gun within a couple of weeks at a local shop.

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Barnett Crossbow - Best Selling Models

Barnett Crossbow - Where it All Started

From its inception more than half a century ago the Barnett crossbow has now been sold to more than a million people. With each passing year the crossbows just get better and better. Innovative in technology and design and with pioneering patents this is what makes the Barnett crossbow the worlds number one.

Barnett promises that their crossbows are built to be faster, better, stronger and more powerful than any other crossbow in the market place. Their engineers have developed some of the most desired features in a hunting weapon. From the self-cocking crossbow to the first compound crossbow aptly named the "Demon". They later went on to invent the fully integrated crank cocking device attachment that compliments their crossbow range.

Best Selling Models

Ghost 400 - Meet the new Ghost with Carbon Riser Technology. Another pioneering first, this Barnett crossbow has the only patent protected, ultralight, super strong Carbon riser available for Crossbows.

Buck Commander - You've met the Predator, now meet the Buck Commander, the all power and performance machine. The crossbow comes with the ADF trigger system.

Predator CRT - The Predator with Carbon Riser Technology (CRT) is considered to be one of the more aggressive weapons capable of shooting 375 feet per second. Considered to have the best balance and feel of all the Crossbows.

Predator - The first ever patented crossbow of its kind, the Predator's innovative and pioneering design offers a shoot through foot stirrup increasing the power stroke to 15" and 175 pound draw weight produces speeds to 375 fps.

Ghost 350 - The Ghost 350 CarbonLite is the lightest bows to ever come out of the Barnett crossbow factory, weighing in at just over 7.5 lbs.This bow shoots 350 fps and provides more than enough power for any occasion.

Penetrator - The Penetrator features Barnett's high energy cam system and the patented Crosswire String and Cable system.

Quad 400 - This model has been re-designed to improve the speed and accuracy. Some new features of the model include the gas assist stock, thumb hole and it can produce speeds of 345 feet per second.

Wildcat C5 - This model has been built using the Barnett crossbow tradition. Combining speed, comfort and performance. Available in either matte black or the distinctive concealing camouflage.

RC-150 - This model of crossbow is regarded by many as the perfect crossbow for any situation. It is accurate and powerful enough to be used by experienced hunters but is also perfect for beginners.

There are more models of the Barnett crossbow available, these were just some of our favourites.

This article is brought to you by DATE.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How To Mount Deer Antlers

Want to know how to mount your own deer antlers? Doing so is a great way to show off that beautiful trophy rack you got without breaking bank. Here, we'll go over step-by-step the process of mounting your own antlers.

If you have the money, hiring a taxidermist is an excellent way to have your antlers professionally mounted. However, the problem with this is the high price often charged by them. A single head and upper body whitetail deer mount can easily run you upwards of $500 or more. I don't know about you, but that's too expensive for me to afford. A cheaper alternative is to buy a mounting kit and do it yourself. With some antlers, the mounting kit and a few other basic supplies, you can have your antlers on a beautiful plaque and ready to show off.

Before you can start mounting your antlers, you'll need to buy some supplies. Go to your local hunting and sporting goods store and find an antler mounting kit that you like. These should only run you around $30 to $50. While they aren't always necessary, a drill and hacksaw can help you overcome certain problems which may arise.

Find the antler rack you wish to mount and give it a thorough cleaning, removing any excess hair, tissue or dirt left on them. I recommend taking the antlers outside and scrubbing them down with a wire scrub brush until they are completely free of any debris.

If you want your antlers to look whiter, you can leave them out in the sun for a couple days. Doing so will allow the sun to naturally bleach the antlers, giving them a bright white appearance. Remember, though, if you leave your antlers outside, you run the risk of squirrels and other animals finding them and running off with them.

Once your antlers are clean, take the mounting kit out and read the instructions. Depending on the kit you're using, you'll probably need to align the antlers as level as possible, drill them into the mounting plaque, and then place the velvet covering over them. If the antlers are still loose after placing the covering over them, use some of the provided "filler-material" to fill in the gaps until it's secure.

After you've completed mounting the antlers, give it 24 to 48 hours to fully dry before trying to hang it on your wall. After that time is up, the antlers are nice and secure and ready for displaying in a place of your choosing.

This news article is brought to you by TECHNOLOGY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Modern Air Guns and Air Rifles, a Quick Primer and Overview

In the old days when most people thought of air guns they envisioned the classic Daisy Red Ryder and young kids running around the neighborhood accidentally blowing out windows and terrorizing the local stray cats. Most common air rifles in those days really were little more than toys, and the saying "You'll shoot your eye out" had origins stemming from the fact that these low powered toys were of minimal danger unless you managed to hit an extremely sensitive area.

There were at the time some more powerful air guns available, but their cost and power conspired to keep them out of the hands of younger shooters. Today however, there are a wide variety of air rifles available at very affordable prices that have substantially more power than the Red Ryder of yore. These rifles come in a wide variety of types of varying power levels, and rely on four basic types of operation to propel a pellet from their barrel.

The most common and well known air guns today are the multi-pump pneumatics available at most large department stores. These are usually lower cost air guns made of metal and plastic, and usually are limited to propelling a pellet at velocities of 650 fps or lower. They require several pumps of a hinged forearm stock, which pressurizes an internal chamber which holds this pressurized air until the trigger is pulled. Once the trigger is pulled, the pressurized air is released, forcing the pellet down the barrel and out from the gun. These mult-pump air rifles are the usual choice for younger shooters, however they can still be quite dangerous and require supervision for shooters under around 15 years of age.

Next on the list of common air rifles is the CO2 powered pellet gun. CO2 air guns are very simple in design and can provide an excellent compromise between power, accuracy and cost. With a CO2 air rifle, a simple miniature air tank that has been pre-charged with CO2 gas is inserted into the gun and sealed in with a screw on cap. Once the cap is screwed on tightly, it punctures a small seal in the neck of the CO2 tank, releasing the pressurized CO2 into the gun. When the trigger is pulled, a small amount of pressurized CO2 is released, forcing the pellet down the barrel. This is a simple and elegant arrangement which can provide an economical as well as affordable way for the budget minded to give air gunning a try.

The next most common type of air rifle is the break barrel springer. Break barrel air rifles get their name because the barrel and receiver are mated together at a hinge which allows the barrel to be broken open to cock the gun. This action is similar to how some shotguns are loaded, with the opened barrel exposing the pellet loading port. These rifles have a cocking arm attached to the barrel, and when the barrel is broken open and pulled towards the stock, it causes the cocking arm to compress a powerful spring contained within the receiver. Once the spring is compressed and locked into the "cocked" position, the pellet is loaded into the exposed loading port, and the barrel is then returned to the closed position and the rifle is ready to fire. The compressed spring is held in check by a lever connected to the trigger assembly. When the trigger is pulled, it releases the coiled spring, which in turn uncompresses at an extremely rapid speed and pushes a piston forward. The piston in turn compresses air within the receiver, which them is forced into the barrel, where it then forces the pellet down the barrel and outward.

These spring powered air rifles can be quite powerful, and are commonly strong enough for hunting small game such as squirrels and rabbits at ranges of up to 60 yards effectively. Depending on the size of these air guns and the strength of the springs contained within them, they are capable of propelling a pellet at velocities up to 1,200 fps, which is faster than the speed of sound. Needless to say, such air guns are hardly within the realm of the very young shooter, and those under 18 should in reality be supervised when allowed to operate them

The last type of airgun that has gained a great deal in popularity recently is the PCP, or "Precharged Pneumatic Air Rifle". These air rifles represent the high end of air gun quality and power, and it is with this group that the most powerful and accurate air rifles can be found. PCP air rifles rely on air compressed to high pressures, often up to 3,000 psi, to propel a pellet. With a PCP, air is usually pumped either by hand with a manual pump or from an external tank, into a smaller air reservoir built into the rifle. The amount of air and the pressure can be precisely controlled to determine how fast the rifle will propel a pellet, giving the shooter a great deal of control over the rifles operation.

These rifles can be quite powerful, easily propelling heavy pellets to velocities in excess of 900 fps and developing energies on the order of 40 to 60 FPE. Because of their power and accuracy, PCP's have become increasingly popular among shooting enthusiasts in the last decade and are quickly gaining in popularity over spring powered air rifles.

PCP's however often require a great deal more additional gear to operate, can be quite dangerous, and are more complex than other air rifle types. For these reasons and more the PCP air rifle is far more expensive, and usually selected by more mature enthusiasts.

Air guns have come a long way since the early days of Red Ryders and copper plated BB's. If you ever find yourself looking for a new outdoor activity that presents challenge as well as enjoyment, consider looking into the modern sport of air gunning. You may be surprised at what you discover.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Spyderco Resilience

Spyderco Resilience

If you are a Spyderco fan then this is one model you want to make sure you add to your collection. The superbly crafted folding knife is big on detail and not so big on price.

The unmistakable logo which has featured on all the Spyderco models makes this Spyderco Resilience a cool must have, either to add to your current collection or for a work horse of a utility knife.

This blade can be used and abused and you will find that it will work just as well as the day you bought it. It has quite a large blade being 4.5 inch and is a tactical model from Spyderco. The Spyderco resilience is one of the larger tenacious models and weighs in at about 5Lb 2 ounces. This is relatively lightweight considering the size of the blade. It is ergonomic and can be used for a variety of uses. Many people take this knife, hunting, camping and use them around the home and garden. One user likened the blade to a super vegetable knife.

This is also a great collectable especially if you are a spyderco fan. Don't be put off by the low cost of this knife, whilst low in cost it certainly isn't low on quality. The largest of the Spyderco folding knives, no collection would be complete without the Spyderco Resilience. Although it is quite large the blade folds down neatly and can still fit snugly into your pocket.

  • Features of the Spyderco Resilience
  • Full-flat ground 8Cr13MoV Stainless Blade
  • Tip to handle cutting edge
  • Slip proof seat for the thumb
  • G-10 handle
  • Phospher bronze washers for smooth and resistance free action.

Many people have commented that the deployment of the blade is short and sharp and is suitable for right and left handers.

What to look out for

Unfortunately the stainless steel in the Spyderco Resilience isn't as good quality as we would like, however for the price, this is to be expected. Many people choose to coat their blade or alternatively you could use a quality gun oil which appears to prolong the life of the blade.

Overall this is a great knife for the money and the reviews for this knife have been favourable wherever you look.

The Spyderco Resilience looks cool, acts cool and has a cool price tag.

The other models to look out for fro Spyderco are the Tenacious, Persistence, Delicia, Ambitious and of course the Manix for which there are two series. The second edition in the range is not much different from the first but does come in a variety of colours unlike the first edition.

So please check out the other models we have on our website after you have read about the Spyderco Resilience.

This news article is brought to you by DATING AND RELATIONSHIP ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Approaching A Woman - Rules And Tips To Follow

It can be difficult to be a man sometimes. Women expect you to be the first to make the move. You are expected to approach the woman even if she also likes you. These expectations can make you feel quite uneasy. If you feel that you are not that adept at approaching, meeting and dating women, the pressure even becomes greater.

You can, of course, do nothing at all; but where do you think will you end up if you do so? To the dark corner where you can painfully watch other able men get the woman you like. If this is not a welcome thought for you, then you have to know what tips and rules to follow in approaching women.

• Build self-confidence before you even approach a woman. Confidence will let you get near to the woman you want and make it seem like it is an easy thing to do. Be confident as you walk up to where the woman is. Confidence will help you not to look so eager or so uncomfortable about making a good first impression on her. You have to appear natural and not overbearing before her.

• Know which openers to use even before walking up to the woman. What good can it do for you if you can confidently walk to a woman and then embarrass yourself by forgetting what to say? Confidence also stems from knowing what to do and what to say. You should know about casual conversation openers that will make a woman feel comfortable talking to you. Situational openers are mostly useful in engaging a woman in a conversation such as observation about the place, about the other people in the place, about her, etc.

• When you approach a woman, your goal is understandably to get close to her. Nonetheless, you should not immediately show this intention to her. Approach the woman with the intention of befriending her and getting to know her. Try not to rush the woman in being close to you, getting her number or asking her on a date right then and there. Just let things happen and enjoy the moment of knowing one another. The key here is not to take approaching very seriously; otherwise, you will be much pressured and the woman will notice this tension.

• Once you have established a friendly status with the woman, you can introduce to her something new and exciting. Novelty is also another helpful trait in approaching women. Novelty means being charming, fun, playful, mysterious, etc. It will help her be free from the boredom. When you talk to the woman, do not talk about you, but about her. Just tell her about yourself once she asks you.

• Relate to the woman on a common level. You meet people and you share something with them, which is what makes meeting enjoyable and worthwhile.

• Most of all is to be who you really are when you go and meet women. Even you would not like to meet someone who presents herself as someone she is not. Show your true self and be sincere.