Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How To Mount Deer Antlers

Want to know how to mount your own deer antlers? Doing so is a great way to show off that beautiful trophy rack you got without breaking bank. Here, we'll go over step-by-step the process of mounting your own antlers.

If you have the money, hiring a taxidermist is an excellent way to have your antlers professionally mounted. However, the problem with this is the high price often charged by them. A single head and upper body whitetail deer mount can easily run you upwards of $500 or more. I don't know about you, but that's too expensive for me to afford. A cheaper alternative is to buy a mounting kit and do it yourself. With some antlers, the mounting kit and a few other basic supplies, you can have your antlers on a beautiful plaque and ready to show off.

Before you can start mounting your antlers, you'll need to buy some supplies. Go to your local hunting and sporting goods store and find an antler mounting kit that you like. These should only run you around $30 to $50. While they aren't always necessary, a drill and hacksaw can help you overcome certain problems which may arise.

Find the antler rack you wish to mount and give it a thorough cleaning, removing any excess hair, tissue or dirt left on them. I recommend taking the antlers outside and scrubbing them down with a wire scrub brush until they are completely free of any debris.

If you want your antlers to look whiter, you can leave them out in the sun for a couple days. Doing so will allow the sun to naturally bleach the antlers, giving them a bright white appearance. Remember, though, if you leave your antlers outside, you run the risk of squirrels and other animals finding them and running off with them.

Once your antlers are clean, take the mounting kit out and read the instructions. Depending on the kit you're using, you'll probably need to align the antlers as level as possible, drill them into the mounting plaque, and then place the velvet covering over them. If the antlers are still loose after placing the covering over them, use some of the provided "filler-material" to fill in the gaps until it's secure.

After you've completed mounting the antlers, give it 24 to 48 hours to fully dry before trying to hang it on your wall. After that time is up, the antlers are nice and secure and ready for displaying in a place of your choosing.

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