Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Year's Resolutions for Elk Hunters: Getting In Shape for An Elk Hunt

To hunt elk in Colorado's high country, you don't have to be a world-class athlete. But you do have to set fitness goals for yourself that are both challenging and attainable.

For many hunters who come to the Rockies in pursuit of elk, it may be one of the most physically demanding hunts they ever take on. Elk live in steep, rugged places and the better shape a hunter is in, the better their chances are of being successful. Besides the success factor, being in good physical condition will certainly make your hunt more enjoyable.

When it comes to conditioning, it's important to make a plan for yourself that's attainable. While being a marathon runner or Iron-Man triathlete would be ideal, for many people, that's simply not realistic. Start where you are. We would suggest consulting with a trainer at a local gym to help you get started. Make a workout plan that fits your ability level. If you can't keep up with it, the plan will have no chance of working.

With that said, it is extremely important to challenge yourself. Tailor a workout routine to your abilities, but continually push yourself to get better. We've seen many hunters miss opportunities over the years because of poor physical conditioning. They simply couldn't get to where they needed to be in order to get a shot. If you're making the time and financial investment to hunt elk in Colorado, it is certainly worth it to be in shape when you get here.

We strongly recommend a workout routine with a mix of cardio and strength training. In our experience, strength training is the most critical piece. While cardio is great preparation for the altitude, even the best runners will wear down after a few days of hunting if their legs aren't strong. When planning your workout routine, make sure you adequately focus on things like squats, leg presses and lunges. Get your legs in shape!

In your cardio workouts, interval training is the best way to prepare for an elk hunt. Interval training features short periods of very high intensity, followed by periods of low intensity. This closely simulates common elk hunting situations - making fast climbs in steep terrain to get into position, and then settling quickly for a shot.

Make a commitment now to begin a challenging and realistic workout routine. You can do it, and when you're sucking for air and feeling the burn in your legs while trying to get within range of a bull elk, you will be glad you did!

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