Monday, May 21, 2012

Approaching A Woman - Rules And Tips To Follow

It can be difficult to be a man sometimes. Women expect you to be the first to make the move. You are expected to approach the woman even if she also likes you. These expectations can make you feel quite uneasy. If you feel that you are not that adept at approaching, meeting and dating women, the pressure even becomes greater.

You can, of course, do nothing at all; but where do you think will you end up if you do so? To the dark corner where you can painfully watch other able men get the woman you like. If this is not a welcome thought for you, then you have to know what tips and rules to follow in approaching women.

• Build self-confidence before you even approach a woman. Confidence will let you get near to the woman you want and make it seem like it is an easy thing to do. Be confident as you walk up to where the woman is. Confidence will help you not to look so eager or so uncomfortable about making a good first impression on her. You have to appear natural and not overbearing before her.

• Know which openers to use even before walking up to the woman. What good can it do for you if you can confidently walk to a woman and then embarrass yourself by forgetting what to say? Confidence also stems from knowing what to do and what to say. You should know about casual conversation openers that will make a woman feel comfortable talking to you. Situational openers are mostly useful in engaging a woman in a conversation such as observation about the place, about the other people in the place, about her, etc.

• When you approach a woman, your goal is understandably to get close to her. Nonetheless, you should not immediately show this intention to her. Approach the woman with the intention of befriending her and getting to know her. Try not to rush the woman in being close to you, getting her number or asking her on a date right then and there. Just let things happen and enjoy the moment of knowing one another. The key here is not to take approaching very seriously; otherwise, you will be much pressured and the woman will notice this tension.

• Once you have established a friendly status with the woman, you can introduce to her something new and exciting. Novelty is also another helpful trait in approaching women. Novelty means being charming, fun, playful, mysterious, etc. It will help her be free from the boredom. When you talk to the woman, do not talk about you, but about her. Just tell her about yourself once she asks you.

• Relate to the woman on a common level. You meet people and you share something with them, which is what makes meeting enjoyable and worthwhile.

• Most of all is to be who you really are when you go and meet women. Even you would not like to meet someone who presents herself as someone she is not. Show your true self and be sincere.

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