Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Deer Antlers For Dogs

Have you heard of deer antlers for dogs before? Some owners might brush off the thought of giving their dogs antlers in fear that it could potentially harm them. However, they are actually one of the safest and most beneficial types of treats to give your canine friend. If you want to know more about these all-natural treats, keep reading and I'll tell you why they're ideal for dogs to chew on.

If you're a deer a hunter, then you probably know that many animals seek out shed antlers. Squirrels, foxes, coyotes, wolves and rodents oftentimes scour the landscape in search of antlers. While we don't know, it's believed they eat them for the beneficial nutrients and minerals they contain, such as calcium and an array of vitamins. This powerhouse of nutrition helps the animals grow, develop, and stay healthy overall.

Dogs can benefit from ingesting these nutrients in the same way other wild animals can. In fact, most veterinarians recommend owners give their dogs extra calcium in their diet, as it strengthens their bones and teeth.

Not only are antlers nutritious for dogs, they are also long-lasting. Some dog treats such as raw hides or milk bones will only last a day or so in the jowls of a large breed dog. Antlers, on the hand, are one of the strongest formations found in nature, allowing your dog to have many hours of enjoyment from them.

Because antlers are strong and durable, they also work to clean your dogs teeth as they chew on them. Many dog breeds are prone to developing dental problems that include crowding of teeth, tooth decay and tooth loss. If you allow your dog to chew on antlers, it will help remove plaque and food that's stuck on their teeth.

Many owners refrain from giving their dogs treats because of the smell they emit. Large raw hides typically don't smell at first, but after a dog chews on them for a while, they release a pungent smell. Deer antlers, though, never smell, no matter how long a dog has chewed on them.

If you have some antlers you want to give your dog, it's recommended that you cut them up into smaller pieces first. Take a hacksaw or any other type of cutting instrument you have, and cut the antlers up into 6 inch sized pieces.

Even though antlers are strong and safe for dogs to eat, you should still supervise them when they are enjoying their treat. Dogs can choke on anything, even antlers, which is why it's important to watch over them. When the antler treat is too small for your dog to safely consume, take it from them and throw it away. Antlers are cheap and you can easily make more of these treats for your dog.

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